ユメミル、デジ6(ロク) junkfood
Food Addiction: Overcoming your Addiction to Sugar, Junk Food, and Binge EatingEating Disorders【電子書籍】[ Anthea Peries ]
<p><strong>FOOD ADDICTION<br /> Overcoming your Addiction to Sugar, Junk Food, and Binge Eating</strong></p> <p>There are so many books preaching on and on about eating disorders, telling you not to eat or to go on yet another strict diets, that will only make you want to binge even more, but this book is different.?</p> <p>Food is a wonderful thing and we cannot live without it, yet it can cause us problems too but the good news is that the addiction can be overcome. If you're someone who struggles with overeating, binge eating on unhealthy and junk foods, or feel addicted to sugar, this book is for you. If you're a friend or a family member trying to understand food addiction and how you can help be supportive for those you love, this book is for you too.?</p> <p>In fact, anyone who wants a more compassionate view towards those who may struggle with things they don't understand surrounding food addiction should read this book. We briefly cover the science and psychology behind food addiction and discuss different proven methods for overcoming and beating the addiction to unhealthy junk food and overeating.?</p> <p>Perhaps you or someone you know well will find this book, <em>Food Addiction: Overcoming your Addiction to Sugar, Junk Food, and Binge Eating,</em> of value, so order your copy today.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
- 商品価格:330円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0
junkfood 関連ツイート
@Toshi_junkfood 2018/10/16 13:42
RT @enoshimasanpo: 「さんぽちゃんが紹介してくれるとたくさんの人が見てくれるよね!これからもPRよろしくね!」と言っていただけました♪
@Toshi_junkfood 2018/10/10 23:43
@miyauchiice_bot 2018/10/13 13:07
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